

  • Core plugins
    • maven-clean-plugin

      Clean up after the build


    • maven-compiler-plugin

      Compiles Java sources


    • maven-deploy-plugin

      Deploy the build artifact to the remote repository


    • maven-failsafe-plugin

      Run the JUnit integration tests in an isolated classloader


    • maven-install-plugin

      Install the build artifact into the local repository


    • maven-resources-plugin

      Copy the resources to the output directory for including in the JAR


    • maven-site-plugin

      Generate a site for the current project


    • maven-surefire-plugin

      Run the JUnit unit tests in an isolated classloader


    • maven-verifier-plugin

      Userful for integration tests - verifies the existence of certain conditions

  • Packaging types/tools
    • maven-ear-plugin

      Generate an EAR from the current project

    • maven-jar-plugin

      Build a JAR from the current project

    • maven-rar-plugin

      Build a RAR from the current project

    • maven-war-plugin

      Build a WAR from the current project

  • Reporting plugins
  • Tools
    • maven-dependency-plugin
    • maven-shade-plugin

      Build an Uber-JAR from the current project, including dependencies

    • maven-gpg-plugin
    • maven-plugin-plugin
    • maven-javadoc-plugin
    • maven-enforcer-plugin
    • maven-source-plugin

      Build a source -JAR from the current project

    • maven-assemply-plugin
    • maven-archetype-plugin
    • maven-antrun-plugin
    • maven-release-plugin
    • maven-eclipse-plugin
    • maven-project-info-reports-plugin
    • maven-scm-plugin
    • maven-invoker-plugin
    • maven-checkstyle-plugin
    • maven-jxr-plugin
    • maven-surefire-report-plugin
    • maven-help-plugin
    • maven-jarsigner-plugin
    • maven-pmd-plugin
    • maven-changes-plugin
    • maven-remote-resources-plugin
    • maven-toolchains-plugin
    • maven-repository-plugin
    • maven-clover-plugin
    • maven-stage-plugin
    • maven-continuum-plugin
    • maven-jlink-plugin

      Build Java Run Time

    • maven-plugin-parent
    • maven-scm-publish-plugin
    • maven-projecthelp-plugin
    • maven-acr-plugin

      Build a JavaEE application client from the current project

    • maven-patch-plugin
    • maven-docck-plugin
    • maven-jdeps-plugin
    • maven-ejb-plugin

      Build an EJB (and optional client) from the current project

    • maven-linkcheck-plugin
    • maven-changelog-plugin
    • maven-doap-plugin
    • maven-one-plugin
    • maven-plugins
    • maven-jdeprscan-plugin
    • maven-reactor-plugin
    • maven-core-it-plugin
    • maven-antlr-plugin
    • maven-jmod-plugin

      Build Java JMod files

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